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How to Keep a New Year’s Resolution

How to Keep a New Year’s Resolution

computer keyboard on floor and a planner sitting on top of knitted items

It seems just like yesterday that we were picking out wrapping paper. Fortunately, it is time to start fresh so I’m sharing a few tips on how to keep a New Year’s resolution!

How to Keep a New Year’s Resolution:

1.) Don’t start your New Year’s Goals on Jan 1.

There is no hard rule that you have to get all of your resolutions underway on Day 1. You can start each resolution at different dates in January or even different months within the new year.

Timing is everything and staggering start dates can lessen that overwhelming feeling. I know it definitely curbs my anxiety. For example, you can start saving for home repairs on January 1st, kick off your workouts on January 7th, dig into your new online course on February 3rd, etc. 

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2.) Know Thyself and Ease Into It.

Keeping a resolution is a bit easier if you are aware of what you like, dislike or prefer. Growth can come from doing new things, but the desire to quit can also arise if you don’t enjoy it.

If you did not like reading novels on December 31st, then you probably will not like reading all 3 novels by the end of January. So, just ease into it and tackle bit by bit each day to stay true to your preferences. 

3.) Give Yourself Grace.

Some days are good and glorious. However, life randomly happens on the others and you may not be able to stay on track. It’s okay. To keep your New Year’s Resolution, grant yourself some grace and start fresh the next day.

If I find that I’ve extended grace to myself too much, then it’s time for a quick goal reset.

I usually take a 72-hour break from all of my resolutions and then start fresh!

4.) Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions Simple.

This is self explanatory.

Simplicity keeps us from staying in our head too long because overthinking usually leads to not taking any action on our resolutions. If your goal is to upgrade your clothes, you don’t have to wait until you can find the time to spend all of your money shopping in one weekend. 

You can simply decide to purchase one new piece of clothing each week either online or at your favorite store in your spare time. Before you know it, your purchases are more intentional, your wardrobe gradually improves, and you can mark this goal as complete. 

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5.) Don’t Tell Anyone Your Resolutions.

Your New Year’s resolution is a personal and private commitment that you’ve set for yourself. I believe exposing your goal to extra energy from other people’s thoughts and opinions is a recipe for disaster.

For instance, sharing your goal could open you up to scrutiny from a family member for not staying on track or a “friend” may speak negatively of your attempt in private. 

Granted, it’s okay to share your resolution with a trusted, proven friend or a like-minded accountability partner. You just want to make sure your goals are in good company at all times. 

6.) Set Aside Time For Your Resolutions.

The fact is you are an adult with responsibilities and a daily clock that refuses to slow down.

It’s not realistic for many of us to dedicate 100% of our day to working on our goals. So, the next best option is setting aside at least 20 minutes each day to work towards fulfilling a resolution.

On Monday, I may read my novel for 20 minutes before coffee and complete my 20 minute workout before bed. I’ll tackle organizing my closet for 30 minutes on Tuesday and Thursday night, etc.

You get the gist of it.

Chisel away at your goals in some manner each day because it all adds up!

I hope these tips are helpful to you. Since you’ve made it this far, I want to wish you a very Happy New Year and many warm blessings in your new season!

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