Berries and Grace
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4 Simple Goal Ideas For This Month

4 Simple Goal Ideas For This Month

table that has coffee, gold watch, gold binder clips and a daily goal planner with ink pen

Every November 1st, I create a list of simple goal ideas for me to accomplish by December 31. I almost forgot to do my goals because this month completely snuck up on me! It’s almost time to prepare for Thanksgiving (no guests, of course) and I am still lazily enjoying my fall home decor without a clue. 

Get it together, girl!

With less than 60 days left in the year, we need to get our game faces on – pronto! I think a little organization is due this month especially with morning routines and goal setting. I admit that I’ve struggled with setting goals the last few months because of the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic and how everything shifted. 

However, I made a decision that I will intentionally show up for myself even when it seems like no one is looking. The truth is that 2021 is going to arrive whether we are ready or not. So, I’m like why not set some goals or intentions that we can start implementing right now!

Here are 4 simple goal ideas that you can focus on this month and I’ll also share how I plan to achieve these goals in my daily life. 

1. Start the day an hour earlier.

C’mon. Let’s be real. I’ve spent the last 7 months in my night clothes or loungewear. You probably have, too! I know that I should be banished from any extra sleep for 2020!

Daylight Savings Time JUST ended a few days ago so it will be so much easier to just wake up an hour earlier. You can get in a little extra reading, pray/meditate or cook a nice, warm breakfast!

I usually wake up at 7AM during the summer so I’ll wake up at 6 AM now. In my twisted theory, it’s like waking up at the same time EXCEPT the clock will shock you with the truth of it being an hour earlier, haha!

2. Write a gratitude list each morning.

I usually grab my notebook each morning, write the date and jot down what I am grateful for in my life. Taking the opportunity to find at least 3 things to be thankful for each morning really helps my mindset and removes negative chatter from me. 

But, I grew a little slack in my morning routine last month and missed a few days of it. Let’s just say I could tell the difference in my energy and positivity. I was a mess. 

So, I’m going to use this month to get back on track! 

3. Remove clutter from one room. 

We all have that one room that reveals a clutterbug lives with us. While the main living areas look perfect, that one room is usually loaded with Amazon boxes, unworn clothes from online shopping sales, the christmas tree and mail that should have been shredded months ago.

In my case, my 2nd bedroom reveals that I am THE clutterbug. 

It’s time to do something. So, if you also have a room with clutter, you can focus on cleaning one area in that one room each day this month. 

So, each day during this month, I will clean out one corner…one drawer…one bin …or, heck – one shopping bag in my 2nd bedroom. Low pressure and lots to gain like a clean room with potential just in time for the holidays!

4. Get physically active.

True story – I purchased an online workout subscription in July and literally went on with my life like it never happened. C’mon, sis. For real?

I am going to recommit and use this completely paid subscription for at least 25 minutes for 5 days per week. In real life, it means that if the program is 30, 45, or 60 minutes … I am only going to do 25 minutes of it – period.

You may not agree and I hear you. However, it’s how I build habits FOR MYSELF if I want to stick with something and eventually (side eye).. comply 100%.. 

I figure it’s a win-win situation since night falls earlier, it’s getting colder, and I may try to find new excuses that stop me from physical fitness outside. Plus, I won’t feel as guilty after Thanksgiving. Win-Win!

I really hope this post sparked some inspiration for simple goal ideas that you can set for this month. Let’s go!

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